21 world wonders that you're not supposed to visit

Diyarbakır, Turkey

While most of Turkey is safe to visit, The FCO advises against trips to the city of Diyarbakir, as well as surrounding regions. 

Terry Richardson, Telegraph Travel's Turkey expert, says: "A little over 900 miles southeast of Istanbul, Diyarbakir stands in splendid isolation on a bluff overlooking a long, lazy bend of the turbid River Tigris. Approach by air and the city appears as an oasis amidst the sun-bleached fields, crazed basalt lava flows and deep gorges of upper Mesopotamia. It’s an ancient landscape, one where early man first gathered, then learned to cultivate, wild grasses and pulses. The city itself dates back at least 5,000 years, to the shadowy Hurrians. Later more familiar names in Diyarbakir’s roll call of history apppear - Assyrians, Persians, Alexander the Great and then, inevitably, the Romans."

See the latest FCO travel advice

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